Thursday, October 28, 2010

On to Maintenance and my third HCG ezTrim Weight Loss Cycle

It was much easier to maintain my weight during stabilization, once I started adding sugar and starch I ended up having more steak days than I would like to have had. I feel like this is a real learning time for me because I have been overweight so much of my life. I need to learn to control my portion sizes better and continue to work on making favorite recipes in a healthier way. On days when there was a gain I had to think about what I did wrong the day before and buck up and do the steak day. I think steak days are as hard to do as an apple day, but it gives us time to correct the error. It is the time when I am deciding which way my weight is going, up or down. If I decide not to do a steak day, then I am choosing my old ways and the weight will come back on. Doing the steak day is taking responsibility for what I have eaten the day before that caused the gain, and giving me the opportunity to take that weight right off. Every time I have done a steak day I lost the weight that I gained. I am committed to doing the steak days and working on my portions so that I don’t need to have one. I want to be able to maintain my weight by eating correctly every day.

My kids were really excited that I could finally eat “normal” so we enjoyed eating out a few times. They would ask me, have you eaten this or that yet and I would have to say, I can’t eat it all in one day! There are lots of things that I haven’t eaten that I would like to eat at some point, when the time is right. There are some things that I really don’t need to add back into my diet, many things in fact.

I went and got my hair cut a few weeks ago by a friend that I hadn’t seen in quite some time. We looked at each other and both said almost simultaneously, “are you on HCG”? Wow, she looked great and has lost 100 lbs in the last year. She had just started a weight loss cycle and said she was going to lose the last 30 lbs. I said, even with the holidays coming up? She said yes, and that is what she did last year. It got me thinking, why am I waiting until next year?

Last weekend we had a little get away up in Park City and I started my gorging days. Boy, I hate the weight you gain on gorging days, I always gain about 4 lbs. Today being day seven of this cycle since starting the HCG ezTrim drops I have lost 8.2 lbs. My weight is now lower than where I ended when I finished my second cycle the first part of September. I have lost a total of 52.9 lbs not including the loading days which would add about 12 more pounds to that figure! I’m not sure what the number goal is, other than getting rid of the tummy. I am very excited to be able to get this all done this year, what a wonderful gift to myself!!

PS - Hollie just finished her very long 2nd cycle a few weeks ago. She has lost a total of 110 lbs this year and will get going again in mid-January after the family birthdays are celebrated. Congratulations to Hollie, and to everyone else out there that is making this big change in their lives. It is so fun to hear people’s success stories. There are a lot of thinner people out there! Thank you HCG ezTrim!